SOcial issues

Dear lovers of sports

We have been lucky so far that all our active little players are still healthy and are a great joy to us showing their commitment, effort and acting abilities.

But, with reference to our football tournaments, we would also like to support those who are not as favoured as our kids.

Consequently, we are still going to support various social projects and organizations!

In reference to this we will again activate our goal barometer, meaning that for each goal scored by our superstars a certain amount of money will be donated to various social organizations.

This means, when about 1500 goals are scored in the tournament and a player has promised to pay 1 Cent/per goal, then 15 Euros are due for a good cause … if there are 2000 goals there are 20 Euros, respectively.

80 percent of the total amount of money will go to“…do ?“ (donation certificates included), 10 percent to „…“ and 10 percent to „…“ in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Nairobi (Kenya).

As a heartfelt token to the great support a coupon for a 2 night stay in a 4 Star hotel including dinner for two people will be raffled.

Each donator will be mentioned as „Teammate“ (including photo) on this homepage, on special request without lacking particulars of the donated amount of money in details.

I, traditionally, open the „barometer“ with one Euro per each goal!

Please, don’t hesitate to join, each Cent is important and is effective without any deductions.

Additionally, all amateur football teams from all over Germany will donate 50-Euros

to „Verein für krebskranke Kinder Hannover e.V.)“.

Thank you sincerely


Der Verein für krebskranke Kinder  hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht die medizinische und psychosoziale Versorgung krebskranker Kinder  zu fördern.

Am 26. November 2012 hatte der ehemalige 96-Star einen schrecklichen Autounfall, erlitt schwerste Verletzungen.

Die Folgen seiner schlimmen Kopf-Verletzungen haben aus Hakan einen Wachkoma-Patienten gemacht.

Kibagare Slum Mädchen und Jungen finden Hoffnung im Fußball

“TORbarometer”- Giver

Fritz Raddatz

1 € / goal

Walter Wedekind

10 Cent / goal

Axel Widiger

5 Cent / goal


5 Cent / goal